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Miscellaneous Questions
How do I add a secondary address to receive email notification?
Once logged in to ECF, select the Utilities menu > Maintain ECF Account option. Select the Email information tab located at the bottom of the screen. The next screen will display all of the current email information and allow modifications to be made. Under the "Send the notices specified below" option, place a check mark in the "to these additional addresses" box, and complete the email address in the text box provided; select the "Return to Account screen" tab at the bottom of this screen, then select the "Submit" button for final submission of changes. Continue through all the screens to update any cases as necessary.
What about Court generated documents that require certification?
On request, a copy of the document can be printed with the certification seal in the traditional manner. However, there is a certification fee of $12.00 per document, plus $.50 per page for copies of the document.
Can an attorney authorize someone in the attorney's office (such as a paralegal, secretary, or etc.) to use the attorney's login name and password to file documents in CM/ECF?
Yes, this is often done in law offices. The Court recommends that such access be very limited and controlled. Anything filed under the attorney's login and password is deemed to have the attorney's signature on it.
Can an attorney add new attorneys to the database?
No. Only Court staff with appropriate permissions may add attorneys to the database as system users. However, it is possible for an attorney to add another attorney to a case and to the database during case opening. The new attorney would NOT have filing privileges. In order to obtain those privileges, the attorney must comply with the proper application to the Court to obtain a login and password.
How is payment of filing fees handled for CM/ECF cases?
Payment is accepted by credit card, debit card, and ACH. The Court accepts American Express, Mastercard, Visa, or Discover.
Can the general public view CM/ECF cases and the documents in those cases?
Access to view cases and documents in CM/ECF is available to anyone with a PACER login and password. PACER offers convenient electronic access to case file documents, listing of all case parties, reports of case related information, chronologies of events entered in the case record, claim registers, listing of new cases, judgments or case status, and a calendar of events. However, as a result of the policy recently adopted by the Judicial Conference, the public cannot view documents filed in civil social security appeal cases or criminal cases. To defray the costs of PACER and CM/ECF, the Judicial Conference has set a fee of ten cents per page for electronic court data via the Internet, except for calendar information, for which there is no charge. Parties entitled to documents as part of the legal process receive a free electronic copy, although they will be charged for replacement copies, whether in paper or electronic form. Additional information concerning PACER can be found on its website (
Can any member of the public use CM/ECF to file documents with a Court?
No. Full access to CM/ECF is available to authorized attorneys and trustees. On a limited basis, CM/ECF is available to high volume creditors and other professionals.
Can a creditor file a claim conventionally (paper)?
Being a paperless Court, we encourage filers to file their claim electronically. You may also file a claim via the internet without logging in to CM/ECF by filing a claim using our Electronic Proof of Claim Module. Please visit for more information. For the filer who does not have a capability of filing electronically, the Court will accept the Proof of Claim “conventionally” (paper).
When paying for filings by credit card, what type of credit cards will be accepted?
VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
Has the Court scanned all of the documents in the older case files after going live with CM/ECF?
No. We went live on July 1, 2004, and most pleadings filed prior to that date may not have been scanned into CM/ECF.
Can a website address be used instead of an email address for receiving electronic notifications of filings?No. The Court must have a valid email address.
When is the Daily Summary email sent to recipients? Time of Day?The Daily Summary email is compiled and runs at 12:00 am.