Pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9011 and Local Bankruptcy Rule 5005-4, every pleading, motion, and other paper (except lists, schedules, statements, or amendments thereto) filed through a Full Participant’s CM/ECF account must be signed. All documents filed under a Full Participant's CM/ECF login and password are automatically considered signed by the Full Participant, with the login and password considered the Full Participant's "electronic signature." A Full Participant shall indicate that a document is electronically signed by the Full Participant by including the Full Participant's signature block on the filing (including the Full Participant's name, address, and telephone number). A Full Participant is permitted, but not required, to also include a conformed signature for the Full Participant (e.g., "/s/ (name of Full Participant")) on a filing.
A Full Participant's login and password for filing via the internet shall be used exclusively by the Full Participant or the Full Participant’s employees with direct supervision and authorization by the Full Participant. A Full Participant shall not knowingly permit the Full Participant's CM/ECF login and password to be used by anyone who is not so authorized.
A Full Participant is required to select and activate a new password if an employee authorized to use the Full Participant's CM/ECF login and password separates from employment with the attorney.
A Full Participant must report any suspected compromise of the Full Participant's password to PACER and the Clerk’s Office.
Pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9036, the Court may direct the Clerk or some other person to send notice of documents and docket activity by electronic transmission instead of sending notice by mail. A Full Participant is required to maintain a current and active email address to receive such notifications via the CM/ECF System. A Full Participant should register to receive electronic notice rather than notice by mail.
A Full Participant must abide by all current requirements of the Procedures, as well as any changes or additions that may be made later by the Court.
To use the CM/ECF System as a Full Participant, the Full Participant must be an attorney admitted to, and in good standing with, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. NOTE: Admission to the District Court for the Northern District of Alabama must be renewed every five (5) years.
If a Full Participant electronically files a document for which a hand-written (i.e., "wet") signature or authenticated digital signature (see, e.g., Admin. Order 23-01) is required from any person other than the Full Participant—including, without limitation, any document containing an unsworn declaration as provided in 28 U.S.C. § 1746 (e.g., a petition, list, schedule, statement, or amendment thereto)—then the Full Participant must maintain the original (if the document contains a wet signature) or the digital signature authentication record(s) (if the document contains a digital signature) for three years after the closing of the case or proceeding in which the document was filed. At the Court’s request, a Full Participant must provide these documents for review.
A Full Participant must comply with the redaction requirements of Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9037 and is solely responsible for redacting documents.
Prior to obtaining E-Filing Privileges and making application for a CM/ECF login and password, an attorney shall review Obtaining E-Filing Privileges for New Attorney Filers. Her or his application for a CM/ECF login and password is deemed certification that she or he has reviewed the information found at Obtaining E-Filing Privileges for New Attorney Filers and that she or he has reviewed the Practice Pointers set out therein.
At any time without advance notice, the Court may, sua sponte, suspend, revoke, or terminate a Full Participant's CM/ECF filing privileges and access for any reason, and require future documents to be filed in paper format or in any other format specified by the Court.
It is the responsibility of a Full Participant to review all email notifications of changes to the terms and conditions for use of CM/ECF. Information regarding the changes will be posted at: https://www.alnb.uscourts.gov.