(a) Chapter 13 Plan Form. A chapter 13 plan must substantially comply with the fillable pdf plan found on the Court's website at http://www.alnb.uscourts.gov/forms/all-forms?page=1.
(b) Service of Chapter 13 Plans. If a chapter 13 plan is not filed with the petition, or an amended plan is filed before confirmation, the debtor, or the debtor's counsel, must serve copies of the plan, or amended plan, upon the following:
• the Trustee;
• all creditors; and
• all other parties in interest.
The debtor, or the debtor's counsel, must attach a certificate of service, showing that service has been made in accordance herewith, to any plan or amended plan filed at any time other than with the petition.
(c) Supplemental Certificate of Service. If the plan, or amended plan, includes (i) a provision that seeks to limit the amount of a secured claim which may result in partial or no payment at all to the secured creditor, (ii) a provision that seeks to avoid a judicial lien or nonpossesory, nonpurchase-money security interest, (iii) a request to terminate the codebtor stay of 11 U.S.C. § 1301, or (iv) a non-standard provision that requires service under Fed. R. Bankr. P. 7004, then the debtor, or the debtor’s counsel, shall file a supplemental certificate of service for the plan, or amended plan, that substantially complies with the form Certificate of Service of Chapter 13 Plan Containing Valuation, Lien Avoidance, § 1301 Codebtor Stay Relief, or Containing a Non-Standard Provision Requiring Rule 7004 Service found at the Court’s website at http://www.alnb.uscourts.gov/forms/all-forms?page=1 and shows service on the affected creditor(s) or interested part(ies). This supplemental certificate of service is in addition to the certificate of service required by part (b) of this Local Rule, if any.
(Eff. 12/1/2017)